Welcome from the CEO
South York Multi Academy Trust (SYMAT) believes in the potential of our children and young people. We know they can do great things. Through collaborative working we are committed to providing the best possible education for all.
Each SYMAT school is unique. Our schools are inclusive and rooted in their communities, we respect and celebrate their distinctive identity, as we do the children and young people who attend them.
Our trust is proud to work with both Church of England and community schools across the full age from reception to year 13. We support their traditions and history, whilst being forwarded looking and enabling ambition and aspiration for all within the trust.
Each school commits to the collective development of the trust. They all influence trust development, working closely with each other to ensure outstanding outcomes and a holistic and enriching experience of school.
The trust has an expert team of professionals serving the needs of its schools through School Improvement, Finance, IT, HR, Estates Facilities and Health and Safety.
We are always keen to talk to like-minded people interested in working together to further a commitment to provide the highest quality of education in our region.
Steve Lewis

Welcome from the
Trust Chair
Ian Dolben – Chair of the Board of Trustees
It is an honour and privilege for me to Chair the South York Multi Academy Trust (SYMAT). Firm foundations and effective collaborations have been a feature of SYMAT since its establishment in 2018, and the importance of strong Academy Trusts is becoming increasingly clear in the ever-changing educational landscape.
We have a strong base to build on; all the schools which joined the trust were good or outstanding and we are fortunate that we have dedicated, talented and committed teaching and support staff. The MAT enables us to harness their energy and creativity and provide high quality school to school support to drive improvement in all our schools.
Our governance arrangements developed since the inception of the Trust have worked well to date in ensuring that the interests of the Community and Church of England schools were fully considered in every decision made. The involvement of York St. John University as a member of the trust is invaluable in reflecting our links with higher education. We continue to work closely in partnership with the City of York Council and other organisations to ensure our plans and the services we provide align with local needs.
The Members and Trustees (whose details you can find on this website) are all drawn from the communities served by the trust and represent a highly skilled and committed group with expertise and professional backgrounds covering the wide range of disciplines needed for a successful MAT. They all share a passion to provide the best possible education for the community.
We aim to be open and transparent in the way we do business and to be accountable to the people we serve. We are committed to robust local governance for our schools having delegated responsibility as far as possible, consistent with good governance and prudent use of resources. Schools will always need committed, skilled and enthusiastic governors! If you are interested in supporting the work of our schools by becoming a governor, or want to find out more about the Trust I would be very happy to hear from you.
Vision & Values: Our Trust Vision Statement
We are a strong and inclusive partnership of schools working together to support and inspire all children, young people and families in our communities to achieve and flourish.
We hold our schools and ourselves to account to a set of values. Our schools are always:
- Inclusive – our schools work tirelessly to meet the needs of every child and young person and overcome disadvantage. We embrace diversity in our communities, and we promote distinctiveness in our schools.
- Aspirational – our schools have high expectations for every learner and member of staff. We want our children and young people to make the most of every opportunity in life.
- Responsible – our schools have a social responsibility to serve the community first and foremost. We always use our resources responsibly and transparently.
- Collaborative – our schools work in equal partnership with one another, and with their school communities. We devolve control and responsibility to the appropriate level, encouraging the participation of those we serve and those who work for us.

South York Multi Academy Trust (SYMAT) believes in the potential of our children and young people. We know they can do great things. Through collaborative working we are committed to providing the best possible education for all.
Each SYMAT school is unique. Our schools are inclusive and rooted in their communities, we respect and celebrate their distinctive identity, as we do the children and young people who attend them.
Our trust is proud to work with both Church of England and community schools across the full age from reception to year 13. We support their traditions and history, whilst being forwarded looking and enabling ambition and aspiration for all within the trust.
Each school commits to the collective development of the trust. They all influence trust development, working closely with each other to ensure outstanding outcomes and a holistic and enriching experience of school.
The trust has a growing expert team of professionals serving the needs of its schools in the areas of finance, IT, HR, site development, health and safety and school improvement.
We are always keen to talk to like-minded people interested in working together to further a commitment to provide the highest quality of education in our region.